Gifted Children can be very sensitive... be it from being incredibly astute, aware, perceptive and blending that with their youth, innocence, raw honesty... i do not know... I just know that most gifted children I know, are very sensitive...
NOT in that wimpy sort of way all to often depicted by Hollywood...
but in a REAL way... in a RAW way..
like they get it..
LIKE they get some aspects of life and CARE
while we "get it" but have grown apathetic..
and IF we stopped to THINK their thoughts
we'd need ... help
some serious stocks in a good tissue company, and plenty of the product in our home...
The emotional stress these kids can endure is intense.. Because they are thinking beyond what the typical (is there such a thing) kid is thinking, they are going beyond the general thought process with each and every issue...
Moving is Stressful
Traveling around the world is FUN, but has it's stressors
Packing is Stressful
being sick is stressful
having sick siblings is stressful
having an ill mother is stressful
watching a beloved grandparent (or ANY loved one) struggle desperately with Cancer is STRESSFUL
being told you are TOO young to visit anymore because of H1N1 is STRESSFUL
the list goes on and on and on...
I haven't written much on our blog since back from our little adventure abroad.. In fact I have neglected my little "gifted blog" all together...
I have been swept up in my 3 blessings...
doctors, illnesses, and preparing to move...
(VERY stressful to ANY child... all the more... for a gifted or Twice Exceptional child)
add into that THE Oma (German Grandmother)
has taken a turn for the worse in her battle for Cancer... and been in hospital for a time...
These issues, and a variety of others.. are HUGE, dare I say DRAMATIC times in the lives of Gifted children...
I am learning that walking in Grace... in Faith... is a challenge..
Offering them room to breathe, room to grieve, room to think,
and still challenge them is some days an inner battle...
I am thankful for the knowledge that there are "counselors & therapists" who work with gifted children... This is wonderful to know...
Yet as followers of Christ, what does THIS mom do?
Well, the children consider chatting with such a person as a thing quite POINTLESS; if they can find NO "Nouthetic Counselor" who is trained to work with the "gifted community" they have no desire to meet with anyone.......
and they have a point...
What ARE they more... Christians... or Gifted....???
that is the question...
They are Gifted because GOD made them that way...
They are Christian because Called them, saved them...
and yet...
my frustration lies.. in WHY does the Christian Community, the Nouthetic Counselors, Biblical Counselors, show NO involvement in the "gifted community"... why can I find NO connection
it's as if Christianity can not IMAGINE that such a people exist...
it is AS if.... they have in the West totally embraced egalitarianism............
that we are NOT all fearfully and wonderfully made.. each unique and different ... worthy of appreciation, as the handiwork of God...
and yet... dare I stand apart from my Brothers and Sisters and Christ on this point...
standing firmly UPON the Rock, and declare
that we ARE all fearfully and wonderfully made....
I am, no, WE are separate... and yet because of Christ ..UNITED...
excuse my ramblings...
I am on the hunt,
for a NOUTHETIC Counselor trained in working with Gifted Children...
eyes wide open
heart full of love
hands open in prayer...
prayers are welcome, thoughts or suggestions welcome... If you have come across this, & found some victory, or an answer to this ... please comment! :)